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Avoid holiday back pain

A man lies on the floor and holds a toddler in the air

Nov. 27, 2023—Stringing lights, shopping for gifts, and traveling to visit friends and family may make your spirit bright—but they can also lead to back pain. And it's all too easy to lose focus on spine safety during the hustle and bustle of the holidays. These tips from the National Spine Health Foundation, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and other experts can help.

Decorate wisely. Don't deck the halls alone. Not only is it more fun to make it a team effort, it's safer. A helper can share the load of boxes and steady a ladder while you hang the mistletoe in a perfect spot on the ceiling.

You can also prevent decorating disasters by wearing the right footwear for the job—shoes that help you keep your balance are best. Make sure to double-knot your laces to prevent tripping.

Shop smarter, not harder. Don't let gifts weigh you down. When you find yourself lugging a heavy shopping bag, head back to the car and stash it in the trunk. Your back and neck will thank you.

Shopping online? Remember to maintain good posture and an ergonomic position to prevent aches and pains.

Avoid repetitive wrapping injuries. If you're wrapping a lot of gifts, set yourself up in a comfortable space with a chair and table—not on the floor. Arrange supplies at arm's length to limit awkward reaching and straining.

Watch your back on the road. Whether you are traveling by plane, train or bus, try to nab an aisle seat. It makes it easier to get up, stretch and walk around. Carry on a lumbar support cushion to keep your back happy.

It's not hard to tweak your back hoisting luggage into overhead bins. Take your time and bend at your knees to get it overhead without twisting.

If you are traveling by car, make sure the seat is adjusted to support your back, and take breaks to walk and stretch.

Make time for exercise. Don't let your exercise routine slip this time of year. Staying active helps protect your spine. The North American Spine Society recommends working out for 30 minutes three times a week to prevent back pain. And don't skip stretching—it can relax muscles, reduce stress and improve circulation.

Learn more

Check out our Backs health topic center for more advice on preventing back pain—during the holidays and year-round.

